I finally finished "Scaled Up #1". The process is discussed
here and
here. I wanted to see what would happen if I tried to scale up a small piece (10"x10") into a large piece (36"x36"). It was an interesting journey.
"Scaled Up #1", acrylic, graphite, collage on canvas, 36"x36" |
I will be putting this piece up in my gallery along with other larger works on canvas, as soon as I get a group of them ready for the photographer. I am updating my
online gallery, but it is open for business in the meantime. However, if you can't live without the piece, it is available now for $2550, which includes shipping to anywhere in the US.
Scaled Up #1
$2550. USD includes shipping to USA
Just for fun, let's take a look at the same image in gray scale:
Scaled Up, desaturated |
Works pretty well, I think. I am reluctant to say that a piece
has to work in black and white in order to work in color. For example, some of the colorfield painters' work depends on values being very similar.
See my post about that here. However, value range is one thing to look at if your piece is
not working. Here is a previous stage of Scaled Up, which I discussed in
this post, along with its desaturated version:
Desaturating the piece in Photoshop was just one way to get a fresh view of the piece. And just for kicks, let's look at the original piece on which this is based, which is called "Grid #7":
Just another look at the piece. I think the black and white version could us a little more black. But I like the actual version. It is 10"x10", acrylic and collage on panel, and is
available in my online gallery.
Thanks for visiting!