Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Zeke and his Puffins

OK, I haven't posted anything in a few months, so I'll try to do better in 2010. I am working on a new book, which is taking all of my time. More about that later. Also, I am teaching a six week collage class at the Long Trail School in Dorset, VT, starting this coming Monday, the 11th. It is six consecutive Mondays from 6 - 8 pm. Ink About It, in Westford, MA, is hosting a one-evening workshop (by me) on How to Write a Book Proposal. This is for people interested in writing books about art, collage, mixed media, or any how-to topic. That is on Friday, January 15. On the 16th I am doing a collage workshop there called "Painting with Paper" from 10 - 4. That one is full.

Now for Zeke and his Puffins. This is a painting I made for my Sweetie for Christmas, based on our dog, Zeke, and his puffin toy. I haven't done a painting - as opposed to a collage or mixed media piece - for about a million years! So it was a challenge, and WAY fun. Of course I had to use some collage material, but the dog himself, and the puffins are pretty much just painted. I framed it in foam core, covered with rice paper and painted.

1 comment:

  1. Oh it is such a treat to 'hear' from you again; and your stimulating book sits on my worktable, and inspires my thinking. You have such a busy and creative life, it would seem - so every good wish for 2010. I am working towards persuading myself that, on some days at least, 'art play' should come before work and writing commissioned articles !!


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