I am offering a 2-part collage challenge this month. I hope to make it a monthly event.
The first challenge is to send me a group of 6 - 10 papers to use in collage. These should be small, fitting in a letter size envelope. The challenge is to make them as
diverse as possible. That is, make them as different from each other as you can. Think VARIETY in color, value, pattern, scale of pattern, etc. These should be abstract in content, not images. You could include part of an image, but it should not be recognizable as an image. Gather materials from your own stash, junk mail, magazines, decorative papers, gift wrap, maps, etc.
Send your envelopes to:
Jane Davies Studios
Collage Challenge
PO Box 45
Rupert, Vermont 05768
Send papers by the end of February. I will choose a few winners (in the sense of the best VARIETY, the papers that are most different from each other), and make a collage out of each one. I'll post the images and send the originals to those who sent the papers.
The second challenge is this: I have put a collage sheet, 8.5x11" up on a Flickr group that you can download. Print it out, and make one or two (or more) small collages. Here is an image of the collage sheet for this challenge:
This can be downloaded from Flickr at higher resolution, and printed out on 8.5x11" paper. |
The rules are as follows:
Download the Collage Sheet here. Click on the arrow, and choose "original" size.
- Use only the collage papers in the downloaded sheet.
- You may add one color of paint, and one more mark such as a line, a scribble, or a pattern.
- And remember that it is more fun if we are all bound by the same set of directions.
Join the Flickr group, and post your own collages - scans or photos. I suggest you keep them small. I've posted two of my own, which are 5.5"x7.5". I will post below as well:
Join the Flickr group.
Download the image here.