1. Cut a piece of watercolor or other heavy paper 8"x22". Fold a 1/2" tab on one end; then measure three 7" sections and make folds at the three 7" marks. This should give you another 1/2" tab at the other end of the sheet of paper. You can cut an angle at the top and bottom of the 1/2" tabs if you like. Here is what it looks like:

It is 8" high, so each panel is 8"x7", and each tab extends 1/2" at each end.
2. Repeat. Now you have two accordion pieces each with three panels. Here is how it looks folded:

3. Before joining the two accordion pieces, giving you a 6-panel book, mark and cut each panel according to the diagram:

First mark it like this with a pencil:

Then cut on the red lines indicated in this diagram:

Here is what it looks like, cut but not folded yet:

5. Repeat the marking, cutting, and folding on all six panels. You may want to mark them all first, then cut them all, then fold. In any case, you end up with two accordion folds, each with three panels.
6. Join the two accordions together by cutting one tab off of ONE of them. Glue the tab of the other to the non-tabbed end of the first one. Make sure your panels are all lining up the same way.
7. Make two book boards that are 8.25" tall x 5.5" wide. Cover one side with decorative paper (I'm not including instructions for that here. If you need them, e-mail or leave a comment). Cut end papers (or cover linings) that are 1/4" smaller than the book boards, 8"x5.25". Check to make sure they fit. BEFORE gluing down the end papers, glue the end tabs of your accordion onto the book boards. The tabs are sandwiched between the book board and the end paper. Maybe these photos will make it clear. Here's a top view:

And a view from inside the back cover:

And here is a top view of the finished book, showing off the panel configuration.

Let me know if any of this needs further explanation. Thanks for visiting!