Friday, October 30, 2015


Thanks for all your participation in this giveaway!  And thanks for the complements on my flat files - I passed them on to my father.  The winner of the collage papers is:
Karen in Black Mountain, North Carolina!
Karen, just e-mail me with your mailing address, and I'll get the package off to you.

I was so impressed with the international participation, that I am going to send small envelopes of collage papers to the following:
  • Jane Perala from British Columbia
  • Annemarie from The Netherlands 
  • Melva from Beniarbeig Spain
  • Nicky Moore from the wilds of Northumberland, England
  • Penny from Back Valley (Australia)
  • Tjoeks Reynhardt from an art-deprived South Africa
So... Jane, Annemarie, Melva, Nicky, Penny, and Tjoeks:  Pleas e-mail me with your mailing addresses.  These will be just envelopes with a few collage papers, but I love the idea of spreading them out globally!  Don't worry, Karen, these are not coming from your prize.  Your box is already packed, and I'm including a few Golden paints.

Thanks for all of your comments, and for visiting my blog. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Studio Organization Giveaway

This is a sort of selfish giveaway, but I needed to make space in my flat files, so I weeded through some painted papers I use for collage, and decided to off-load a heap of them. Use them in your own collage or art journals, or cut them up for gift tags, give them to your kids or grandkids to play with. 

These are my flat files, handmade by my father some years ago.

This is a sampling of the papers included in the giveaway stash.
If you are interested in taking these off my hands and adding to your stash of collage papers, please comment on this post, identify yourself uniquely (for example "Mary from Ohio", rather than just "Mary), and then check the blog on Friday, when I will announce the winner.  I may throw in a few art supplies as well, not sure what yet.  It is the winner's responsibility to contact me with a mailing address.  THANKS!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

More Big Fat Art from Vancouver Island

Here is one of my pieces I made as a demonstration at the Big Fat Art workshop:

This is in progress; I added more, then subtracted some... I'll post it when it is finished.  How do you know when a piece is finished?  Click here to find out.
Here is a slide show of student work and Students At Work from Vancouver Island.  Most of the participants in this class are accomplished fiber and textile artists as well as painters.  What an active arts community I found there!  Shows, retreats, workshops, sharing of ideas - it was a true inspiration.

And here is a slide show of student work.  I was so impressed with it!!  Enjoy.
/ 16

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Big Fat Art from Vancouver Island

This is student work in progress from a workshop I'm teaching in Duncan, BC, on Vancouver Island.  Will post finished pieces soon:





Work in process


A moody shot of Piper Painting

Monday, October 19, 2015

Student Work from Sechelt

This is just a sampling of Big Fat Art from Sechelt.  These are all 18"x24":

A group of work in progress
And here are a few examples of student work in Monoprint Collage.  These are various sizes, approximately 8"x8" - 10"x10":

Please don't re-post these images on Pinterest or anywhere else, as they will appear to be MY work.  I post student work anonymously.  Enjoy!!

Friday, October 16, 2015

A Few Pix From Sechelt

Here are a few pieces I made for demonstration.  They are all 18"x24" on Cheap Drawing Paper.

line, veiling, shape, pattern, color areas...

You can't go wrong with Bubblegum Pink.

A Pink Lifesaver (upper left) can never hurt.

Here are some pix of the workshop and participants:
Whose table is this?

Elena hard at work

Michelle did several gorgeous, minimal pieces like this.

Pia and Jennifer conferring

Student work on the wall

Student work on the wall

Goofing around on the beach.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Workshop in Sechelt, BC

I'll post some student work soon, but for now, here are a couple of pix of me teaching Big Fat Art in Sechelt, British Columbia.  Check it out on the map.  I got here via sea plane...  It is GORGEOUS!!

Serenading the class (or irritating them) on a borrowed ukulele

Demonstrating big fat art

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hey, Check This Out!

My DVD is now available as a download, from Creative Catalyst Productions.  Their latest newsletter features three videos by three artists, all on approaches to abstract painting.

Also, check out this interview for an update on my art practice (as if I don't brag and blog enough about it!).  Check out the other artists in this newsletter too.  I think Virginia Cobb's DVD is particularly awesome.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Lucie DuClos, who has taken several of my workshops, is now busy designing fabric and other products on SpoonflowerSpoonflower is a print-on-demand site where you can create designs and have them printed on fabric, wall paper, gift wrap, and other products.  It has allowed Lucie a fabulous outlet for her constant flow of creativity.  She has been chosen as one of eight finalists in a design contest, and her submission is gorgeous!  Take a look:


Here are a few things Lucie has done in my Monoprint Collage workshops:

Here are some watercolor floral pieces Lucie has done in Carla Sonheim's flower workshops.

Thanks for visiting. Hope you find some inspiration in this.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Making Art A Practice with Cat Bennett

I recently recommended Cat Bennett's recent book, Making Art a Practice, and now she is teaching an online course by the same name, at Carla Sonheim Online Art Classes.  YIPPEEE!!!

Take a look at this video of Cat Bennett.  I'm a long time fan; her books are both inspiring and soothing, and they are so insightful about what art brings to your life.