Sunday, February 16, 2014

Invest In Art - Invest Smart In Art

When we use the word "invest" rather than "spend money on", it implies a return on the investment.  As opposed to "consumer spending", where it is simply money spent for a short-term gain, such as buying a bottle of wine to drink rather than to cellar and sell later. Sometimes that distinction is clear, but in many cases not.  Do you buy art because it will be worth something someday?  Or do you buy it because you get pleasure from looking at it?  In the first case it is a financial investment; you hope the art will grow in value, and you can sell it later at a profit.  In the second case - buying art because you like it - you are investing in yourself.  You are gaining quality of life, pleasure, from the purchase of art. If original art is beyond your budget, you can buy a print.

Rocky, my lovely hen, agreed to be a fashion accessory to my Invest Smart In Art sweatshirt.  You can get your own sweatshirt, as well as aprons, hats, and more from Duo Studio Designs.
Another way to invest in art is to spend money on art materials.  Only you can determine what constitutes appropriate spending on materials (some say that you should ONLY buy the BEST art materials, but I think it's more important to buy what you feel comfortable with).  More on this in a later post.

And a third way is to take the occasional workshop.  Invest your time and money in learning something new, meeting like-minded people, and getting the stimulation of working in a group, whether in person or online.  This is a true investment in your SELF. Taking a workshop says "I am worth it; my art is worth it", which is a very positive and empowering statement.  As you can see from my previous few posts, I gained a LOT from investing in the recent drawing workshop.


  1. And I've gained a ton from taking two of your classes, Jane! Thank you so much!

  2. It's taken a while for me to stop considering purchases as 'indulging myself' and realise that they are contributing to my well-being. Thanks for the confirmation!

    By the way, the link to your DVD didn't work, I had to search Creative Catalyst for the DVD. I found it easy enough when I did though.

    1. Thanks for the heads up about the DVD. Just fixed it. Yes, art does contribute to your well-being, no matter how you "invest" in it!

  3. Your workshops have enriched my art practice enormously Jane.... but I also have invested in a small (but growing) collection of Aboriginal Art. The piece I buy has to be one that I love tho'.

  4. Great Logo. And Rocky looks smashing as an accessory. Where is Pearl?

    Wish the Artworks Coop had thought of this saying to assist in our fund raising campaign to cover expenses above and beyond what our insurance is going to pay from the fire damage.

    1. Oh, this photo was taken in mid-January, when we had a thaw. Pearl was not yet ours, and this enormous snowfall had not happened. Katie Dambro is the gal who makes the sweatshirts, etc. I should have said that in the post!

  5. Jane,
    You never cease to amaze me!
    Your blog post today was so perfect and such an important message to get across.
    So many people wait "until they can afford" art. When they do that, they almost never get there. Better to spend the money and ENJOY!

    For myself, I notice that I struggle every time I place an order for more art supplies. But we all have our priorities. And it's art, books, music, & flowers for me. No clothes, jewelry, make-up, fancy hair-cuts, etc. I know I come out ahead financially, and I'm feeding my soul at the same time.

    sending best wishes always,

  6. I love this message. I can't wait to see you next month at your workshop...yay for me and art.

  7. well said! Having bought one of your canvases on Fine Art America - I have to say that I can attest to how it enriched my life. I love to look at it! See you in March.


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