I just took down my show "Pattern and Process', but you can still see the show here on my website. I removed the pieces that sold, so what you see is available for purchase.
Meanwhile, I am preparing for a group show called "Journey Into Process" at
Vermont Institute of Contemporary Art, which opens in July. I will show some of the pieces in Pattern and Process, as well as some new work. June will be a very busy month in the studio!
Here is a bit of the progress on the Shape Pieces I posted last week:
Shape #25 |
Shape 20 - I think this one's done. |
Shape #21 |
Shape #22 |
Shape #23 |
Shape #24 |
Shape #26 - This might be done. |
Shape #27 - definitely still in progress. |
One of many vertical stacks I'm working on. More on those later.
Another of the verticals, just a beginning |
Except for where noted in the caption, I don't yet know which ones I will work on more, and which I will leave as is. I'm starting to combine the print process (demonstrated in the video last week) with collage, so I'm also using the gel plate to make collage papers.
This technique of working with masks and stencils as well as collage, drawing, and painting, all in the same piece, is making my idea-generation very fluid. These are pretty quick and easy to start, though the development of painting, line, and collage are much slower. I am definitely planning on demonstrating and engaging students with this approach in my Collage Journeys workshop this summer, as well as my
Expressive Collage And Painting workshop at the Omega Institute in the Hudson valley in September. It is particularly conducive to mindfulness, staying present with the process, and letting go of your Inner Critic.