Saturday, November 27, 2010

color studies

Happy Post-Thanksgiving Weekend! This coming year I will be offering a new workshop on Art Basics. Color, composition, and materials will be the main focus, and it is intended for students who are new to art-making, those who have been away from art for a long time and would like a refresher on basics, or anyone who wants to gain a little more confidence in the use of color and composition. The working title is "Creative Beginnings: Unlocking the Secrets of Color", but I may think of something more concise once I start teaching it. So.... I am having a WAY fun time developing exercises that demonstrate the power of color and how it can be used effectively in composition. For each of the collage-paintings above, I focused on one primary color, but incorporated bits of collage and patterned paper for interest. These basically monochrome paintings offer the opportunity to explore the nuances of a single color, and see how much variation you can get out of it. I've incorporated many of the techniques I teach in Scribble Collage in these pieces, as I will in the workshop. Stay tuned for 2011 workshop dates!


  1. As someone who has been powerfully affected by color since childhood I am continually amazed at what the nuances of a single color can do!

    And since I am always attracted to blue I LOVE your example!
    Great to be offering a back to basics workshop.

  2. Jane,
    The red one is my fave...and I, too, love color. Lots of color. Lots of saturated color!
    Paula at MixedMediaManic.blogspot.


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