
Friday, April 26, 2013

Fresh Paint..... Monday

I am postponing Fresh Paint Friday until Monday, as I will not have time to edit the video.  I'm teaching  Abstract Painting: The Big Picture tomorrow at AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH.  My Fresh Paint #6 is completed, but I'll wait until Monday to show it to you.  Meanwhile, here are a few things I've been working on; they are all 10"x10" on paper:

I will not show you all the sequences of the work, but, believe it or not, these all started out with the idea of line and soft color washes:

I love the process of creating a series from a simple starting point.  I have no particular intention or idea of where each piece will end up, but I throw a visual idea out there, and then develop each piece individually.  Fun fun FUN!

Thanks for visiting.  Stay tuned for Fresh Paint Monday.


  1. I can look at your process, and images, forever.

  2. ditto what Jo has said. Your art constantly amazes me! Thank you Jane.

  3. Thank you for sharing so much of your process! It's fascinating and I always learn so much when I read your blog.

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