
Monday, April 29, 2013

Fresh Paint Friday #6, on Monday

So here it is, the Fresh Paint Friday video I promised.  I decided to leave in the original sound rather than add music.  Enjoy!

The piece is 10"x10" on paper.

The original is available for $195, including shipping.

Or  buy a print; choose from many different print sizes, materials, and framing options.  
Thanks for visiting.  

Tuesday, April 30
Here is a response to a few of your comments, including this one:
Could you explain a little bit about the process?
Why so many layers, and what kind of paints you use, they look so rich and thick.
Why so many layers?  Well, the first layer is a starting point.  I generally try to throw out an idea, without planning where it will take me.  In this case the idea was that I wanted some intense warm red peeking through layers of neutral colors.  So I started with red, and then started layering neutrals over it.  Then I let the piece lead me to the next step, and then the next.  I don't set out to achieve a specific outcome, but stay focused, in the moment, paying attention to process. This piece took the whole afternoon; I taped 25 segments, totaling about 30 minutes of video. 

See my Links page for the materials I use.

In my workshops I emphasize a focus on process, and demonstrate ways to shift your orientation so that you can get out of your own way and have fun making art!

If you enjoy Fresh Paint Fridays, please support them by buying originals or prints. THANKS!


  1. You always make it look so easy but I know if I were to try it it wouldn't be that easy. So many decisions to make. I love seeing that there are so many layers to the piece. Just beautiful!

  2. Love, love, love! Your work is amazing!

  3. Thank you for another inspiring video!

  4. Amazing!! If only it was as easy as it looks!!!

  5. I love your videos, waiting for them every week.
    Could you explain a little bit about the process?
    Why so many layers, and what kind of paints you use, they look so reach and thick.

  6. Enjoyed the work sounds. Made me feel like I was participating. But, I'm surprised you don't talk to yourself, or to the cat. My house is only silent like that in the middle of the night.

    1. I do talk to myself sometimes, but for this I have to keep silent, or else editing would be a much bigger job. This is edited down from about 30 minutes of video (25 segments in all) to three and a half minutes. It is a huge job, but would be much more complicated if I had to edit sound as well.

      I talk to the chickens, occasionally, too, as I can hear them clucking and chatting just outside the studio.

  7. Beautiful work -- I just discovered you today!

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE your process and the richness you achieve from all that layering. Very inspiring!

  9. I am so loving these Fresh Paint videos! I learn something from each one. The textures on this piece are beautiful. It looked like you used a brayer with a pattern on it - what was that? did you make it?

    1. Hi Melanie. Yes, I used sticky back "fun foam" to make that brayer. Fun!


I have had some spam comments lately, advertising of stupid stuff. So I am moderating comments until I can figure out a better way to prevent spam. THANKS!