Thursday, November 18, 2021

More New Stripes

 I am starting to explore stripes with a lot of texture, in repeated colors. 

24"x24" acrylic on panel

30"x30", acrylic on canvas

30"x30", acrylic on canvas

And some other kinds of stripes..

"Going with the Flow #5", 36"x36", acrylic on canvas

Various small stripes, 10"x10", available at Edgewater Gallery.

Thank for visiting!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Technique Takeaway - The Short Workshop Format

 The Winslow Art Center in Seattle has been offering a series of "Technique Takeaways", which are short, one-session workshops that focus on one technique or concept. The workshops are on zoom, so you can watch them from the comfort of your own computer, and ask questions of the instructor in the chat box. 

Forty bucks, an hour and a half, and you have got a 'takeaway'. I have one scheduled next month, which you can see here. I would love to know your thoughts on this short form of a workshop, whether it is Winslow Art Center's Technique Takeaway or something similar.

What is your favorite form of a workshop? A five-day intensive in-person? An online weekly video workshop with or without feedback from the instructor? A one-day crash course? Videos you follow on your own?

If you are interested in The Short Workshop (tech takeaway style), what kinds of focused topics would most interest you? Would you like to be introduced to a new tool or material? A new technique? A particular aspect of color mixing? Or something specific about composition? What would YOU want to learn in the short takeaway?

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November Raffle

 This month for our raffle, you have your choice of three paintings. If yours is the winning ticket, then you get to pick your painting. So far, the summer and monthly raffles have raised over $2000 for Rupert Village Trust. We are building community, weaving social fabric, in the village of Rupert, Vermont, by renovating an historic general store building to create a café and community center.

Buy your raffle tickets here. Drawing is the last day of the month. These are the paintings you get to choose from if you are the winner:

Burning Bright #2, 18"x24", acrylic on paper

Floral Wannabe, 18"x24", acrylic on paper

There for the Asking, 12"x12", acrylic and collage on paper