
Friday, May 31, 2019

Five Day Art Retreat

If you were to give yourself a five-day art retreat, during which you had no other responsibilities, what would you do?
  • Would you prefer to have a studio all to yourself, or be in a large group studio with a handful of other artists, but have your own designated space?
  • Would you prefer working alongside a mentor in this group, or not?
  • What would be your expectations in terms of your own work?
  • Do you imagine focusing on one series, or creating a body of work for a show?
  • Would you prefer to leave the goals open ended and just work?
  • Is such a retreat possible at home or in your own studio? 
  • Is five days enough?
Mentoring workshop at ACA in Florida, 2018

Me working on the wall.
 Lorraine Glessner has written an "Art Bite" series on a self-made artist's residency. Read it here. Let me know your thoughts on all of the above.


  1. On my bucket list is be to paint with you some time! Ideally, it would be a small group for two weeks, plenty of space, plenty of variety and play, working on sketches and mini series with one, ongoing large scale (possibly disposable) work.

    1. We can do that, Jane, but on this side of the globe. Let me know when you are in the Western Hemisphere.

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  2. I like being in a group but working alone with music. Not very interested in painting a series, unless that just naturally develops. Goals open ended. As I have gotten older, for me three days is ideal. I have a home studio so usually paint daily and sometimes other artists join me. I would love to take another of your workshops but not able to travel. Love your you tube teachings and DVD.

    1. Thanks, Morris. I'm glad you can include other artists in your home studio. I love that group energy.

  3. You have given me a wonderful fantasy daydream here. I'd love a week working in a group. Follwed by two weeks in a little cabin on my own to continue and develop the pieces created and a chance to meet up again with the group for a couple of days. I would have open ended goals and see where it took me.
    I'm in the UK.
    I gave myself a month in a treehouse near the sea in Wales a couple of years ago and it was bliss.

    1. Wow! Did you paint while living in the tree house?

    2. I was working on a textile project at the time, so I didn't paint, but worked with rextiles. I woke up with a smile on my face each day at the sheer joy of having given myself a whole month to do exactly as I wished.

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  4. Three days is plenty for me, after that I am exhausted mentally with information overload and being put "on the spot" to create. Love painting in a group if there is enough room to spread out my paints, etc. nothing is worse than being jammed in a room with 15 or 20 people and you can't move around freely. I am inspired by other artists in the group along with the teacher.

  5. Three to five days would be my choice. Working in a small group - 6 to 8 people. Plenty of wall space to work larger pieces. And having a mentor, possibly helping to set goals/suggestions - but also plenty of critique time with others with large chunks of time to paint on my own.

  6. What great questions these are! thanks!

  7. If I were to really contemplate these question the answer would be quite lengthy. But the short, quick answer is:
    - 5 days? There is never enough time but a full week would be better.
    - Group of artists or alone? Alone unless it’s a group full of introverts.
    - Goals? Process goals but NOT product goals.
    - Mentor? yes if that mentor is more of a muse than a judge.

  8. I would love a 5 day retreat - I always find the first day is spent getting my groove especially if I am more on the beginner side - by the time I've figured it out the retreat is over! I would want the small group and a mentor to guide me. Cost comes into the equation as does ease of travel to the location. Look forward to seeing if you do one!

  9. I am in the UK so sadly will never attend one of your workshops, Jane. I suppose the idea of setting aside the days & working at home, in an all day, online forum, wouldnt work ?! I live alone so would like to try it ! A "live"set up would better, as I dont like showing my work, but would have to, in a room with others. I also like being inspired by what others in the room are doing.

  10. Each year I attend the Fibre Arts New Zealand event and love the format. Held at a girls boarding school while they’re on holiday there is nothing to do but learn and work. The tutors come from all over the world and are skilled teachers and truly excelling in their art. Fibre is strongly represented however not all classes are fibre based.
    5 days with our own workspace in a classroom, alongside up to 12 others, new skills, free reign on how we bring our own skills to the work, half a day off, which is sometimes needed to get new supplies or rest, talks from all the tutors in the evenings, and access to the workroom from 7:00am to 9:00pm if you so choose although the class itself is from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Oh, and good food and interesting company.

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  12. I like working in my own space, but being surrounded by a small group (approx 12 max) other artists is always wonderful for comradery and inspiration. Having a mentor there to challenge and "up my game" would be fantastic. I can imagine working up a solid concept then being challenged to create a series from it. I can certainly work in my home studio, but I find that sometimes getting away from a familiar space helps broaden one's perspectives and work. Five to seven days seems to be a good time allotment. Access to great food and comfortable sleeping accommodations would make it feel like a working vacation.

  13. When I think of a retreat I think it is a time to join other artists to share ideas and processes. Creative camaraderie. Time to work together and time to work alone in a beautiful peaceful setting.

  14. I would love a 5 day (or more) retreat in a small-ish group (under 10) with a mentor - you - working on a series (or two). I would like to think of developing a body of work for a show but it's way too intimidating at this point. I have taken your classes in person and online and watched your youtube videos multiple times. Besides being an accomplished artist, you are a great teacher Jane. Thank you for all you do!

  15. Hi Jane! Thank you so much for sharing my Self Made Artist Residency article!

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