
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Elements of Visual Language is AVAILABLE!!

Finally, the book I have been working on all winter and spring (having made notes on it for the preceding year or so), is now available from Amazon.  You can download an excerpt here.

Abstract Painting: The Elements of Visual Language emphasizes the practice of observing your work as it develops, without judgment or self-criticism.  My hope is that it allows you to be more personally expressive and authentic in your artistic explorations.

Hope you enjoy it!  There are more in the pipeline.  And a video coming out later this summer.

Click here to purchase.


  1. Hi Jane! Will the book be available on the Canadian amazon site soon? Looking forward to buying it. Thanks!

  2. sincere congratulations Jane!! I already own your other books and now this is on my Amazon wish list-hopefully to be fulfilled soon.

  3. Just ordered it! Can't wait to hold it in my hands and start exploring....

  4. Thanks, all of you! I am looking into making it available on It 's available in Europe, but for some reason not in Canada. WILL FIX THAT as soon as I figure it out.

  5. I just ordered it-yay! I can't wait for your video to come out. :)

  6. I am glad Rita already let you know that is a no go for ordering your book. Congratulations on the publication, Jane.

  7. Congratulations on your new book! The excerpt looks great and I'l be purchasing it. It reminds me of your excellent classes--both in person and on line.

  8. Congrats! Can't wait to get mine.

  9. Got it! Just flipped through it and didn't stop to read a lot, but I can see it will be a great tool for refreshing my memory of your workshops. I especially like the full page photos of your art work. Seeing them as life-sized prints is like being in the studio. Really loved the photo of Amelia (or her sister). She's a beauty.

  10. It's in my cart!! Can't wait to browse it! I'm sure it's a gem! Thanks forsharing so much, and congratulations!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Congratulations, Jane on your new book. Just finished it. It's wonderful. Pleasure to hold, pleasure to read. Excellent structure, beautiful illustrations with clear comments. I've not seen in print the book on visual language so far. This book will definitely help the artists and art lovers to see and analyze the art. Thank you.
    Thank you also for generosity in sharing your knowledge.

  13. Ik heb juist je boek besteld en kijk er enorm naar uit ...
    Worden er soms workshops gegeven in BELGIE / NEDERLAND of ergens in Europa ?
    Misschien in de toekomst ?

  14. I'm really enjoying your book Jane. I love the various activities around each of the concepts. There are some really fun things going on in my practice and my reflections: mainly a fluidity between techniques and insights into connections between these elements. I do need repetition to reallly get things.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Will the book be available in a digital format, for either directly through you or via amazon? Not is the postage expensive living in Australia, but I always have an iPad in my studio means I'd always have it to hand.

    1. YES! I am putting a pdf up on my server now and it will be available as a download. Stay tuned. I'll do a newsletter and blog post when it's ready to go.

  17. I'm so excited! I've read your newest book Elements and it is exactly what I needed.

    I went back and evaluated my monoprint collages from the April class. The information helped me to see and appreciate my work. I connect with the ideas of using my intuition and being able to have guidelines that are beyond good and bad, right and wrong.

    I've found your book to be a powerful mind opening experience. I love it. And I appreciate and love you too!

    Looking forward to the Color class in October, it will have so much more meaning for me, another added benefit from your book.

  18. I'm a newbie to acrylics and art. I was so inspired by your Youtube vids I bought your book. Wow! Thank you so much! As I practiced with the exercises I began to understand what abstract art is and I gained so much confidence in making basic marks, shapes, etc. I'm having so much fun, I haven't quit yet. Syncra

  19. I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such nice information.

    contemporary abstract painting


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