
Monday, April 24, 2017

Abstract Painting For Textile Artists

I taught this four-day workshop at Helen Day Art Center last week, geared towards textile artists with not much experience using acrylic paints. Most of the participants fit that description, but there were a few more experienced painters who were not textile artists.  I often get textile artists and recovering quilters in my classes, so this seemed like a natural fit. 

Here are a few pictures from the workshop. These are all Student Work, except for the photo of me fooling around at my table.

Thanks for visiting.  Check out Helen Day Art Center's other workshop offerings.  Among the people who teach there are Galen Cheney, Suzanne Siegel, Claire Desjardins, and others that I admire. 


  1. Fabulous work, stunning colours, wonderful Jane !

  2. Wouldn't they make the most fabulous quilts!

  3. Thanks for sharing the info, keep up the good work going.... I really enjoyed exploring your site. good resource...


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