
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Back from Blog Break

I was in Portland, Oregon, last week teaching at Art and Soul.  What a fabulous time!  I had, as usual, great students in my two two-day-plus-one-evening classes, Dynamic Composition and Layering and Excavating.  Plus I got a little time to tool around Portland and visit some family.

Meanwhile, I have a couple of online classes in progress.  Here are some fabulous works by students in my class "100 Drawings on Cheap Paper", which started in February.  I do have a couple spaces left in my 100 Drawings that starts August 31.  Read about it here. 

Student Work from 100 Drawings on Cheap Paper:
PLEASE DO NOT RE-POST, or it will look like it is my work, not that of the participants.

The above images are from a few different lessons.  Most of them are 9"x12".  Enjoy!

I will post some student work from my workshops in Portland soon.


  1. That's SUCH a great workshop...obviously these students were inspired.

  2. Nice work - I wish I could have been there learning from you and the others. Maybe one day I will.


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