
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

More Big Fat Art

My Collage Journeys in Vermont starts today, so I'll be taking pix and video clips to show you next week.  I am very excited to see students I've worked with before and meet the ones I haven't.  LOVE this workshop!  More on that next week.

Meanwhile, I've been working on my Shapes pieces and 4"x4"'s, and also trying some new things with the Big Fat Art.  In perusing Pinterest, I've noticed that I really gravitate towards pieces with what I'm calling "expressive mark making": very free-looking scribbles.  So I did a bunch of Big Fat Art in which I explored scribbles and marks in a new way.  All are 19.5"x25" on Canson paper.

All of these are unfinished pieces; some of them will come to resolution and some will not.  It is about the process, the exploration.  I'm seeing that the shapes are emerging in these pieces, which is exciting - could I combine my shapes stuff with the expressive marks?  I'm trying different materials: pastel, Inktense pencils, graphite, India ink in an oiler boiler, airbrush colors (the drips), and crayons.


  1. Marks are very popular these days and I definitely think you should combine what you are doing here with some of your other techniques.

    Your new show art is gorgeous; I especially like the more vibrant ones below the "stone" series but I do find that series very interesting.

    Six degrees of separation:
    We have in common: Vermont; I had some of your books and had used one from the library in which you had a chapter, all before I began sending postcards for the Rupert P.O. Then I bought your wonderful DVD and then two of your gorgeous prints. And being a fabric-holic, I save the selvages for fabric collage. While reorganizing a shoe box of odds and ends I'd saved for journaling the other day, I looked down at a selvage piece and saw your name!! I don't remember which fabric piece I bought and could not find it online but did go out and read the bio when your fabric line was released. My selvage says: Rhythm in Motion Jane Davies.

    Is there no end to your talent? You excel in so many areas -- pottery, fabric, collage, water color and tilting at post office windmills!!! BRAVO (and I know I'm missing some here!!)
    Lorraine Layne

  2. Wow, Jane, these are all fantastic!

  3. I like thw way some of your scribbles seem to 'wrap' space. Definitely going somewhere with this.

  4. As always Jane...simply amazing , and you say they are not finished. How could they possibly be any more beautiful than they already are? Robin from the Northeast Kingdom of Vt.

  5. Ithe first two are so dynamic. I love the color palette and airy quality. 5,6,7 and 8 are are almost musical. Really energetic pieces, Jane!

  6. Hi Jane,

    I love your blog and website and all the 400 4x4s you are making. When I click on a picture from your blog, I wish I could see it larger. With that Lightbox slideshow thingy, it only shows one size. But if you went back to the original 'click for larger picture' thingy, we would be able to see the details better.

    FYI Here's how to get out of that Lightbox format.

    Go to your blog dashboard and click on Settings> Posts and Comments. There is a spot that says Showcase images with Lightbox, and a chance to choose yes or no. Choose no and make me and many of your fans happy.

    PS I tried emailing you directly and it got bounced. I used this email

  7. Gosh I love these, Jane - reminds me of Dorthy (We're not in Kansas anymore) and the tornado! Best, sus

  8. Love, love, love!

  9. What an exiting direction Jane! Love the constellation of various marks.

  10. Love these Jane!! They're so evocative of mysteriously dynamic spaces and movements. Lots of life in them-way fun!!

  11. This is just inspiring inside out!!! Wow - such freedom and wonderful colour palette!! It is sending me in spirals all by itself!!


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