
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

And The Winner Is....

Mary Ann Van Soest in Indiana.  Mary Ann wins a year's subscription to Fiber Art Now!  Visit her blog here.

This is the card I received from Mary Ann.  See it in the Postcard Gallery.
This was a random drawing, not based on any kind of contest. THAT would be impossible! So many cards are coming in, each one special.  See the original post about this generous giveaway from Fiber Art Now.

Meanwhile, thanks for all the cards, comments, and shares for my Postcard Project!  It has been such a success so far; there are over 600 cards in the Postcard Gallery, and more to come. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, and yours were among them. THANKS, Roberta! They keep coming in too, which is just great. I will keep adding to the Facebook album.

  2. Congrats to Mary Ann! That's a beautiful card. I'm hoping mine is in your mail box by now ;)

  3. Congrats to Mary Ann...lucky girl. That's an extraordinary response Jane, but will you have to do this regularly to keep the PO open? Happy to help out tho' mine will be taking longer to get there.

    1. Oh, Jo, DO send! I have gotten a surprising number of cards from your part of the world. I have promised to respond to all the international mail, on top of the 200 domestic cards.

  4. How rewarding for you! Who knew, right? But we all love a little mail are love and you've given us a great, fun cause. I'm checking in on the FB page every now and then, and holy moly you have some fabulous pieces! I see a book in your future.....

    1. Glad you are checking in, Terrie! Yes, it is an impressive response. A book on postcard art would be REALLY fun! But I have four books behind me, not sure I need another one in my future. It would be great, though - all kinds of how-to's from lots of different mail-artists and artists of all sorts. I am doing a free workshop-ette at Art and Sould in Kansas City this April on The Art of the Postcard.


I have had some spam comments lately, advertising of stupid stuff. So I am moderating comments until I can figure out a better way to prevent spam. THANKS!