
Saturday, July 7, 2012

And the Winner Is...

It's July 7, the day I promised to pick a winner of the gel plate from the blog hop post.  Jo Reimer is that lucky winner!  Thanks to all of you who visited my blog during this blog hop.  Hope you enjoyed the post and those of the other blog hoppers.  We are all very excited about the release of Sue Bleiweiss's book.  I think it is a real winner! 

You have probably seen Part 1 of my Visual Journal using the gel plate.  Take a look at Part 2, and then here is a little video we'll call "Part 2" - more work in the visual journal using gel plate prints.

The page spread after the first round of collage

Second round of collage plus some painting
Thanks for visiting.  Please join my mailing list (upper right) for monthly updates on upcoming workshops and online offerings. 


  1. Congratulations Jo!!!

    Thank you again Jane for the great inspiration, videos, instruction, all of it!!!

  2. Congrats to Jo R... lucky girl. Love your videos Jane. You are generous with your info... and the colours are divine.

  3. Lucky Jo. Love the video, Jane and your still shots. I love watching you collage. So at ease.

  4. Hey Jane Wonderful spread in Sue Bleiweiss's new book! Work looks gorgeous.This is a terrific book and I'm so glad you are in it!

  5. Yes, I am one lucky girl. I'm very impressed with the gel plate and the presentation with it nestled in its own plastic tray and lid. Now to set aside a day or more to work with it.
    This video is very nice, Jane. I have a question: do you consider the pages of your book finished when they get to this point or do you intend to add text or photos or drawings to what you've done?

    1. Hi Jo. Thanks for the question. I don't worry about whether pages are "finished" or not. The point, for me, of the visual journal is to have a place to experiment, like a sketchbook. But with this journal, each page spread is like a visual challenge. It is the process, the practice, that interests me. And this practice keeps my visual skills honed, and keeps me curious and questioning in my art.

  6. Spectacular. Definitely want to take this into my classroom this fall. Hopefully visuals will turn into words.


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