
Monday, October 10, 2011

More from Portland

Hi All! The video shooting at Creative Catalyst Productions went SUPER WELL! I enjoyed every minute, especially working with the CCP group. They are a friendly, accommodating, and professional group with loads of creative insight. I did not take any pictures while there, so I will post a few more "people" shots from Art and Soul, plus a few from the Portland Farmers' Market:


Marcy and Jan


The Front Worktable
Inspiration from the Market

Fresh Ginger!
Aren't those colors awesome???!!!! I bought some fresh ginger to take home; it does not grow here in Vermont!


  1. Purple vegetables! How perfectly, royally wonderful. The ginger is gorgeous, too. I've never seen fresh ginger growing anywhere or for sale, either. Looks like fun in the class, too.

  2. Jane, you can plant the dried ginger from the grocery store in a shallow bowl such as a bonsai container with fresh potting soil and it will grow on your kitchen counter. The stalks will look like bamboo. Then grub under the soil and cut off just what you need for cooking... it'll keep growing.

  3. oh, love those farmers market shots!!

  4. Your class and market look amazing. I can't wait for your video to come out.. Do you know when?

  5. What colours!!! ... both the class AND the vegies.

  6. Jane, when will your new DVD be available?


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