
Friday, January 14, 2011

Tag Line

Thanks for all your comments on my new banner. I think I'll keep it as is for now, and maybe change it when my new book comes out? Or not. We'll see. Since I got such great response to this query, I'm sending out another: In re-doing my web site, I'm thinking a tag line after Jane Davies Studios might be a good idea. Suggested by Pamela Miller, my web designer. Today's thought is: "Entice the muse; Find your path". Any comments or suggestions? THANKS!!


  1. Love it!! (and I'm very excited about your new book too)

  2. I am glad that you've chosen to keep the new banner...I love it! And the tag line is pretty cool, too.

    As for your new book coming out, I can't wait! I keep my copy of Collage Journeys on my worktable (and yes, it's got lots of splatters and is showing the signs of how loved and used it is) and I know that Adventures in Mixed Media will look similar in time.

    You are such an inspiration for so many of us. Thank you and please, keep up the awesome work!

    Peace & Love,

  3. You are the bomb, Jane! I am so looking forward to your book.. The cover is enticing.

  4. Jane I so enjoyed your last class (foam core) and your book is at top of my Amazon wish list.
    I love the new banner and the feature "today's thought".
    Pat q

  5. Jane,
    I have your first book and really have enjoyed it. I love the tag line, it is thought provoking.
    How about making the header a bit bigger?? It seems small to me???


I have had some spam comments lately, advertising of stupid stuff. So I am moderating comments until I can figure out a better way to prevent spam. THANKS!