
Monday, January 4, 2016

New Beginnings

Anyone out there do New Year's Resolutions?  Sounds drab, doesn't it?  How about New Year's New Beginnings?  Just starting something new sounds more fun and exciting.

A friend of mine, Joan Ruben-Deutsch, who has taken some of my workshops, just started an art blog after thinking about it for years:  Art and More.  Take a look and write her a comment.  When I first started this Collage Journeys blog I had no idea where it was going, or why exactly I was doing it.  It turns out to be a fabulous way to have ongoing conversations and develop an art community that has no geographical boundaries.  Just put something out there, and see what comes back.

To start a blog, click on "Create Blog" and Blogger will walk you through the process.

To start a blog on Blogger, go to the top right corner of my blog (or Joan's), where it says "create blog".  Click there, and it will take you through the process.  Make it really simple so you can get started, and then you can gradually add more features or update your design as you get comfortable with the process.  Here is a Blogger Tutorial that I give to online students, that shows how to post on a blog.  Starting your own is only marginally more effort.

Another friend, whom I've had the pleasure of having in my workshops, Rozsi Moser, has opened a studio and gallery in Acton, MA, called "The Artists Corner and Gallery".  Take a look here.  This is a brand new venture, and I can't wait to offer a little workshop there!

I also have some work on display at The Artist's Corner and Gallery.  Here are a couple of examples:

The above are all 9"x12", framed, and are $350 each.  Contact Artists Corner and Gallery to purchase.

Tell me about your new beginnings for 2016!


  1. I checked out Joan's blog. Amazing artwork. Thanks for sharing her blog information and the Artist Corner and Gallery. I hope to visit someday. Happy New Year!

  2. Replies
    1. You have a GORGEOUS blog! Everyone reading this should click on Jo Murray's name, and take a look.

  3. thanks for the info on the new art gallery in my town and Joans new blog. (i know her)
    Hopefully will be able to take a collage class from you at new gallery. any listings for it yet?

    1. Check out their web site. There is a link in the post. I figured you knew Joan! YOu've been in my classes together.

  4. Thank you, Jane, for mentioning our new gallery! We had two openings, New Year's Eve Day and New Year's Day which were great. We're in the process of building our website, so keep checking it out. Jane and I will be settling on a date for her workshop at AC&G soon! Trish and Joan, hope to see you soon at the gallery!

  5. Happy New Beginnings to you too! I have been so inspired by your art and your tutorials over the years and plan to do more workshops online with you. I am in Melbourne, Australia so sadly, can't attend in person, but you have helped me to move forward in so many ways with my art. Mostly by seeing you experiment, just try to do things just for the sake of seeing what happens, and that has allowed me to do the same. x

  6. I like your New Beginnings concept. I've been producing visual Art for 50 years. This year I am fully committed to Creating Archival Pigment Ink Prints with a new twist. Each will merge Art media: Acrylic paint on the print, Drawing on the print, Digital drawing on layers, Photography, Digital manipulations. What FUN!!! 2015 was my most productive year and I anticipate an even better year of New Beginnings in 2016.

    1. OOoo! Where will you post them so we can see?

    2. Hi Jane:
      Thanks for your reply.
      I will have my mereged Art media images up on my website soon. I'll let you know when. My website is:

  7. Beautiful work. It's nice to see artists support each other and help promote their work. It is important to create networks for artists to help get all the beautiful art work out into the world. One of the hardest parts of selling art is getting the right people to take a look. Keep up the good work!

    Blanca Hoffman @ Marketing The Product

  8. I love that artwork. I have always wanted to be better at art, but I feel like I just don't really have the patience for it. It is hard for me to really just sit down and work on a painting for a long time. I am more of a get up and go type of person.

    Zack @ MyNetWire

  9. What I see are creativity and great bounces. What a nice way to embrace your new beginnings! Your work is incredible. Yours is composed of skill, beauty, uniqueness, and inherent meaning. The patterns, symmetry, and shapes used are just what your art needed.

    The crops and compositions used focus the eye and keep attention on the art. In art, technical skill is the most measurable aspect and that too you have brought out very well. Although not all artwork is designed to be thought-provoking, there is some sense of preconceived ideas in the work presented. You indeed deserve credit.

    Edwin @ Clicks In Motion


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