
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Layering and Making Textures

I am working on a series of pieces that are 12"x12", collage and paint on paper.  I'll be mounting some of them (ones I want to exhibit) on wood panel.  I don't know what these are about yet, what themes might emerge, but I am clearly working with a grid format; printed text as a background, a limited palette, and lots of layering.
Here are some of them spread out on a table.

Here is one in process.

Another one in process.  This one may be almost finished.

I thought I'd share some of my layering techniques with you.  These are just a few of what I'll be teaching in Layers and Textures in Kansas City in March, and Layers and Textures in Portland in April.

Here are two that are finished: 
This is the first one I work on in the video.

In this one I use the same contact paper masking technique a in the video.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hot Glue Stencils

Here is a little video I did for Diana Trout's blog last week.  Traci Bautista told me about making these cool stencils with a glue gun, so I tried it.  This video is my first attempt.

For the real deal, and several more fabulous stencil-making techniques, go to Traci's Blog Post.  This and other of her fabulous techniques are featured in her new book "Printmaking Unleashed", which is forthcoming in July.  I've already pre-ordered mine.
This is the paper I made, which will go into my collage stash.

Monday, November 11, 2013

We Have A Winner!

The book giveaway, Patti' Brady's "Rethinking Acrylic", goes to Lorinda Fraser.  Congratulations!  E-mail me with your mailing address (I'm sending the book from my post office), and I'll get the book out to you.  THANKS to everyone who commented on my giveaway post.  It's great to have such enthusiastic participation.  Stay tuned for more video demonstrations, or come to one of my workshops.  Next up are:

True Colors: A Collage Studio Adventure, at the Rowe Center in Rowe, MA.  January 3 - 5, 2014.
 Read more about it here and here.  There are only a few spots left.

Extreme Composition: Breaking All The Rules, an online class in which we tackle abstract composition from non-traditional approaches.  Starts January 8, 2014.

 I'll plan another giveaway too. So fun!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Book Giveaway!

I am excited to share with you a video I just made demonstrating a technique I learned from Patti Brady: creating acrylic "skins" to use as collage material.  I am using the technique to make transparent skins using a soft gel medium.  In her book, "Rethinking Acrylic",  Patti shows you various other ways of using the technique. 

I am offering a copy of Patti's book to a random blog reader who comments on this post.  All you have to do to have a shot at "Rethinking Acrylic" is comment on the blog.  Make sure you include your full name, or whatever moniker you'd like to use so that I can identify you in the draw.  I will post the name of the winner on Monday, November 11, and it will be your responsibility to contact me with your mailing address.  This is open to readers in the USA and Canada only, as overseas shipping is prohibitive.

Enjoy the video!

Here are the pieces still in process.  I will post them again when finished. 

This one is not in the video.

If you are going to try this, I encourage you to make several transparent skins at one time, and work on a series of collages.  Give yourself room to play!

My 2014 workshops all focus on working in series, so I am plugging that concept.  I've found it to be one of the most productive aspects of my art practice.

Click here to see the Tulip Slick paint I use for scribbling. 
Click here for the soft gel gloss, and other gels.
Click here for plastic sheet protectors.

Comment to have a chance to win "Rethinking Acrylic", by Patti Brady.