
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Sketchbook Challenge Book

As many of you know, I've been participating in a blog called The Sketchbook Challenge, organized by Sue Bleiweiss.  On the blog we offer tutorials, themes, and inspiration to help readers work in their sketchbooks.  Sue has written a book based on many of the ideas generated on the blog, "The Sketchbook Challenge: Techniques, Prompts, and Inspiration for Achieving Your Creative Goals".


 I am delighted to be included in the book.  Each chapter is based on a theme, and my theme was "Patterns and Grids".  Here are a few photos of my sketchbook on that theme:


And a couple of finished pieces based on my sketchbook explorations.  These are each 11"x15":


This blog hop is sponsored by lots of generous manufacturers of art supplies.  When you comment on this post, you have a chance to win an 8"x10" gel plate from GelliArtsGo here for my little video demonstration on using the gel plate.  I will choose a winner at random on July 7.

Additional sponsors include:
Mistyfuse, Art Plantae Today, Joggles, Sue Pelland Designs, The Thread Studio, Blue Twig Studio, The Artist Cellar, and ProChemical and Dye.
For the complete blog hop schedule go here.  Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Beautiful pages! Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Hi Jane... love the diversity and collage, layering and application of pattern and COLOUR in your pieces and the sketchbook pages. I would be so pleased to participate in your draw and thanks always for your inspiration and sharing.

  3. Love your pages and am looking forward to the book.

  4. I love how the book looks. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. The more I'm seeing of this book, the more I think it should be an addition to my library. Lots of cool stuff!

  6. Wow! LOVE the color on your pages! Can't wait for my book to get here so I can see all the fabulous work in one place.

  7. Like your pages. Would love to try the gel plates too...

  8. Another beautiful summer day! Always nice to see your interesting work. Glad you're a part of this excellent project.

  9. Congratulations on being in the book, it looks lovely! And your sketchbook pages are amazing, thanks for sharing so much with us!

  10. Nice meeting you and will be back to visit when I have my cuppa tea.

  11. Love your work Jane - always such interesting techniques! The gel plate looks like fun - thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Your pieces are so full of color and texture.

  13. Ooh this blog hop has me so interested I ordered the book! Thanks for your demo!

  14. Gorgeous! I need to come visit to see your latest projects!!

  15. Love your pattern and grid pieces. I always am looking for new ideas for my art journal. I'm anxious to see what i can create

  16. what an exciting looking book...good for you.. i love, love your work....hope to see you in saluda nc in your class...

  17. looks like a great book to get me motivated. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Fascinating! I love the book. I'm going to have to try those gel plates too!

  19. Love these...have just discovered sketchbook...yay...since excited to go

  20. Thanks for all of the inspiration in the sketchbook challenge! It's been great! I'd love to try the gel plates...thanks for the opportunity.

  21. I love your blog and both of your books. I can't wait to see your contribution to the Sketchbook Challenge book.

  22. I have been so wanting to try these plates! They look super cool! I have used the home made gelatin plates but they are messy! While transporting one home after a workshop it melted all over my freshly made prints. The heat of the summer day was enough to melt it! Who knew? When I brought the soggy prints into the house my dogs wanted to eat them because of the gelatin!!!

  23. Love the book and look forward to every opportunity I have to read it. Love your use of color in your pieces. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Quite inspiring.

  24. Wonderful work! I love the colors. The plate is so fun. Never hurts to have two, right?

  25. Your collage work is fascinating, can't stop gazing into its depths!

  26. Jane: Thanks for the opportunity. Your work is amazing!

  27. I have not seen your work before and it looks very interesting. Appears to have many layers. Keep it up.

  28. I love the grid patterns on your pages. Thanks for the chance to win the gel plates. I loved your video on it and I'd love to have one; I haven't seen it where I live.


  29. Gorgeous work!! As always! :0) I am so excited to get this book!! I came across the gelli plates on youtube awhile ago and have been salivating for one ever since. I can envision hours of creative play, and hoards of sketchbooks filled with colorful designs.... oh joy!! Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win one!!

  30. The book seems interesting and the blog hop has given me the opportunity to view the works of several artists.

  31. Love your art. I ordered the book, and cant wait to get it! Thank you for the give~away!

  32. Yes, this is lovely grid work you have displayed. I am looking for the opportunity lucky enough to win this book! In the mean time, just more fun to have playing with these tools available at home.

  33. I'm looking forward to reading the book! I'm also enjoying getting to know all of these new blogs during the blog hop. Fun stuff! Thanks!

  34. thanks for the inspiration, Jane! I just bought a gelli plate and look forward to getting the book. Thanks for a chance to win (another) gelli plate! Twice the fun!

  35. The video was awesome. I need one of those gelli plates to play with.

  36. This book is going on my wish list.

  37. Jane, love your colorful work, as always. Love those Gelli Plates, too; thanks for the chance to win one!

  38. Thanks Jane. I'd love to win a gelli plate but if I don't i'll probably buy one since I'm definitely technique driven.

  39. I love your work. Would love to win those gelli plates.

  40. love your work, and thanks for the opportunity.

  41. I love the colors you used. Color makes me happy. :)

  42. Love the layering - I'm partial to shapes, myself.

  43. I would love to play with one of these plates. I loved your demonstration video, great techniques.

  44. Beautiful pattern and grid abstract art! I love looking at abstract art and "seeing" something that speaks to me.

  45. Your circles challenge this month is really inspiring. I'm hoping to get on board!

  46. Enjoyed your gel plate video. I'd love to try it with fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.

  47. Jane, circles are so YOu! I adore your collage Paintings! I am anxious to try the Gelli prints!!!

  48. I absolutely adore your art, Jane. I recently purchased two of your books, "Collage Journeys" and "Collage with Color" and I am so inspired by these books and your work. I have been making collage papers and Art Journals like mad lately and the feeling of personal expression is so rewarding. I have shared my artwork (I'm a novice and just do it for fun and give as gifts and such) on my fb page and my friends really enjoy seeing what I'm doing. Jane Davies, Thank you sooooo much for your books and inspiration. After previewing numerous books, I found that your method of writing and creative directions were the best, well written, and inspired creativity. Thanks so much!

  49. What a fun book! And, beautiful pages!! Thank you for the opportunity to win. I've just gotten into journaling, looks like the perfect place to start! Thanks, again!

  50. It's a great book. I'm enjoying reading it.

  51. I enjoy seeing how others sketch, create, etc.

  52. This publication has created a path by which to meet the most incredible artists & teachers. Thank you! I'll visit your site often.

  53. How wonderful to have professional artists sharing with and inspiring us wherever we may be.

  54. I love your work and seeing it from sketchbook to finished piece!

  55. I also enjoyed the video. It looks like there are all sorts of interesting effects that you can get with that plate! Thanks for making the video!
    Valerie Brown

  56. The Gel plates sound very interesting.
    Would like to give them a try.
    Your art is very nice.

  57. I would love to try out a gel plate!
    Thank you for sharing your creativity!

  58. I have been wanting to try out art with a gel plate. I love the colors and designs it makes.

  59. I love your pages and the book looks fantastic! My copy should arrive this weekend - yipee! Thanks for the chance to win a Gelli and thanks for always inspiring me to challenge myself. Have a Happy 4th!

  60. Enjoyed your video. Now the gel plate has gone to the top of my art supply wish list!

  61. I'd love to give the gel plate a go. I've seen a few bloggers mention it but I haven't had the chance to try it myself.

  62. Would love to win the book and your chapter look like fun

  63. The book looks wonderful and would love to be entered to win a gel plate. Thanks to all the generous sponsors.

  64. Hi Jane.. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the gel plate... thanks for the great offer. Happy collaging!

  65. Hello from a fellow Vermonter! I have never heard of a gel plate and after watching your video, now of course I want one. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and artistic wisdom :-)

  66. I love your work. Thanks for the chance to win.

  67. What a great book, I saw this gel pad a while back, what a great opportunity!! Thank you!

  68. I'm so much enjoying this blog hop and each place I visit makes me want the book more! The gel pads intrigue me and are so much less work than making them with gelatin. Thanks for a chance to win!

  69. Thank you for the peek at your sketchbook grids. Thanks for the giveaway too. I've enjoyed visiting your blog.

  70. I always enjoy your tutorials. You have a great blog and I like following.

  71. Every one of these blogs with their teases and insightful hints of the contents of this book make me want to include it in my library whether I win one or not!

  72. Love the book and love your work! Thanks for showing us how to work with the Gelli plate... wow... it would be great to win! Thanks for the chance!

  73. I'm so pleased to have found you through this blog hop. Beautiful work. Beautiful book.

  74. I'm really looking forward to seeing Sue's book in person, your pages look fabulous and so inspiring! Thanks for the great video and the opportunity to win a geli plate!

  75. Your color use is striking, I like it very much. Especially the effect that occurs when the colors are layered creating new depths. Fantastic work. Thanks for the opportunity to win but especially to view your fine art.

  76. Jane, I was able to experiment with a friends gel plate on a playdate at my house a couple of months ago and I loved it!! I've just been waiting for some extra funds to drop in my lap :)so that I can purchase my own. Good luck to all of us!!!

  77. Love all your grid work and the combination of colors. I would love the gel plate.

  78. Love your work glad its in the book , have u one my google reader and have been following the challenge its great...
    hugz bev

  79. Love the idea of working with grids. It's beautiful with or without journaling added to it.

  80. Congratulations Jane, on your contribution to the Sketchbook Challenge Book! Also, enjoying the blog hop.

  81. I LOVE these pages . . . Makes me want to get out the paint right now! Your work is wonderful. Thanks for taking te time to blog.

  82. I really enjoyed your video tutorial! Your pages are wonderful. I love what you can do with the Gelli Plate. I'll be back to spend more time on your blog. Thanks!

  83. You know I just love your work! And, I've been considering a gelli plate forever, so would love to win. My fingers are crossed!

  84. Your working is very interesting! Would love to play with a gelliplate!

  85. Love the pages you do on the sketchbbok challenge, very inspiring

  86. Gelli plates look like so much fun... I enjoyed reading your blog... thank you,,

  87. I would love to try Gelli plates. I've done gelatin printing at an art retreat, but the gelatin failed. This seems much easier and less "chancey!"

  88. I am seriously addicted to art supplies. I didn't even know what a gelli plate was until I watched your video and now I'm sure I HAVE to have one! grin.. Thanks for the give away!

  89. I love your pages and can't wait to get the book!

  90. It was fun watching you experiment with the gel plate. I just got a copy of the book, and am enjoying it. Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  91. I've ordered my book. Can't wait to receive it. Your pages are gorgeous... Love your colors!

  92. Love your video, love your work that I have seen on Sketchbook, thanks for sharing,,,,,

  93. I would love add a plate to my toolbox; thanks for the chance. I did enjoy the video and really liked the original blot prints. Thanks.

  94. I would love to try the's on my wish list.

  95. I love the colours in the pages you have done. I would also like the opportunity of winning a gel pad. I've heard so much about them. Hugs Elizabeth

  96. I enjoy your collages! I would love a gelli plate!

  97. Thankyou for the opportunity to win. I loved your encaustic prints in an earlier blog - nice vibrant colours!

  98. Beautiful colorwork in your pieces! Thanks for being part of the blog-hop...would love to win a Gelli!

  99. Congrats on the book-you know how I so admire your work! The gelli plate is fascinating-would love to win one-thanks so much for the chance to win!

  100. This gelli plate seems awesome, and I really enjoyed your video! Hooray for fun new ways with paint! Thank you for sharing. :-)

  101. Congratulations on the book - it looks quite interesting. I'd love to receive the gelli plate and learn a new technique. Thanks for the offering.

  102. I love this book and can't wait to read it and look at the beautiful art. I would love to try out gel plates-it makes fantastical designs.

  103. I recently watched a video using the gel plates and would love to give it a try!

  104. I just got my copy on Monday and I'm loving it! :D

  105. Congratulations on being in what looks to be a wonderful book. Your pieces look beautiful - I love the colours. I have been wanting to purchase a gel plate since I watched your video not too long ago, so thanks for that as well!

  106. I can't wait to get my book - UPS is supposed to be delivering it this afternoon!

  107. Eager to be a recipient of the gel plate too! Haven't tried that yet. I love the look of the book, talk about eye candy! An explosion of color!

  108. My book is due tomorrow and I can hardly wait! Thanks for the opportunity to add my name to the drawing. Thanks also for being a part of the Sketchbook Challenge. I have learned and been so inspired by all of the wonderful artists there.

  109. Book looks wonderful-Add me to the drawing too~thanks!

  110. Congrats on your lovely work in the book. Would love to check out the Gelli plate too. Thanks much and Happy Summer.

  111. I have just added you to my google reader, Jane! I really enjoyed your video using the gelli plate.

  112. I am having so much fun visiting the blogs in the hop- so inspiring and such a great way to take my mind off this heat :)

  113. The book is amazing! I am thoroughly enjoying it on my iPad. And I love the warm colors in your finished pieces. Your work is beautiful Jane. A treasure to the eye.

  114. This book looks so inspiring - just like the wonderful blog. thanks for the chance to win

  115. Jane I just wanted to say i think you art is wonderful and it inspires me to keep trying. Thank you for this offer.

  116. Have put this book on my must have list. Really enjoying the blog hop too! Thanks for being part of this!

  117. I have been a loooong time admirer of your work Jane - keeping my fingers crossed that I win!!!

  118. Jane...I will definitely check out Sue's book. Thank you for offering a wonderful product that I would soooo love to win!!!

  119. This would be a great book in my creative journey

  120. that looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the giveaway!

  121. Such a variety of great ideas!! Thanks:))

    1. I really appreciate professional artists sharing their expertise.

  122. Your work is wonderful and love the pages you created and the larger pieces are fabulous! I love the colors and shapes!!Thnx for a chance to win and liked your videos as well!! I'm learning a lot of new fun things!!

  123. Such beautiful work! I'm excited to see it in the book.

  124. what beautiful work. I would love to win. Here's hoping.

  125. I love your patterns and grids! Fabulous pieces! Thanks for sharing and thanks for offering a give away.

  126. Very cool art! And thanks for posting the video!

  127. Lovely sketchbook pages! I can't wait to give this book a read!

  128. First time I have received your newsletter Jane ........oh and thanks for your email re my difficulties using the Gelli plate. I am going to have another go soon but using acrylic paint. I can't afford to buy another lot of art materials ( e.g., Open Acrylics) but I am going to give my 'System 3' acrylics a go. Well done on having your artwork included in the book. Do you guys get paid for having your artworks featured in books?

    Here in the UK we have an organization called DACS (Design and Copyright Society) and every 2 years artists who have their artworks featured in books with ISBN's are given a payment which is linked to educational establishments and so forth using the books ' images vs a vs photocopy licences for personal / educ purposes . Well its something along those lines . The sum thats paid out between all the artists here in the UK amounts to several million pounds. Perhaps there is something similar there in the U.S. ?? I waited till I had about 13 books to claim on, before I registered as I thought it would hardly be worth bothering.

  129. I love this book and all of the wonderful, wonderful creative ideas.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  130. Beautiful pages, Jane, such rich colors and textures.


  131. What incredible colors! Thanks so much for the opportunity, Jane. And Sue! - Serena Mira Asta

  132. I want a copy of this book--such a great group of artists and collective inspiration.

    Jane, I am excited that you are teaching an online class related to the projects in Sketchbook Challenge. Waiting for my next paycheck to register.

  133. Beautiful Pages. I love the color combinations.

  134. Thanks for sharing the gelli plate technique. Your work is amazing.

  135. Congratulations on a superb contribution to the Sketchbook Challenge book! The gelli plates have always intrigued me so I am tickled by the chance to win one! Thank you!

  136. Always love your videos, and your view on sketching(s)! Thanks for the offer, and I do love Gelli prints!

  137. Wonderful book, love to win gelli plate.

  138. Such beautiful pages! I would love to win a Gelli plate!

  139. These look great. I can't wait to see the book.

  140. Looks like your contribution to the book is stellar!!! Thanks for the chance to win a gelli plate :)

  141. Than k you for the iveaway! Love your art, thank you for sharing it.

  142. Thank you for this opportunity. I watched your video on the use of the gel plate - great results!

  143. I would love a gelli plate! Made one of gelatin & had great fun until the plate started growing mildew (I live in the Pacific NW...lots of moisture).
