
Friday, May 11, 2012

My Chickens are Famous!

Well, two of them, Buffy and Sylvie, ended up in STUDIOS magazine in an article I wrote about studio organization. For the unedited version of my article, click here.  But buy the magazine because it has loads of useful information and gorgeous photographs for inspiration.

The opening page spread

See Buffy and Sylvie on the right page, center.
I am excited to have my workspace featured in STUDIOS magazine!  And Buffy and Sylvie are delighted with themselves, preening for the press.  They offered interviews... (that's another post).  In any case, this issue of STUDIOS magazine is full of ideas and tips on studio organization, from the pristine neatnik approach to the more casual, but functional one.  So, whatever your style, you'll find something useful. I think mine is the only studio featuring a Buff Orpington and a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

Aside from describing my painting/collage studio organization, I included a side-bar on my encaustics studio.  If you are interested in getting started in encaustics, this gives you a blueprint for the basic at-home set-up.  I am teaching several encaustics workshops this summer and fall:  
No workshops on chicken husbandry, but if you are anywhere near Rupert, Vermont, let me know and you can meet The Girls in person!


  1. Great article. I love the idea of making boxes as shelves!
    Fun to see your chickens. I have had Leghorns, but for now it's just my cats. Don't think they will like the chickens, or perhaps they would....
    better not.

    1. My chickens and my cats ignore each other completely! It is funny to see them together in a herd, though; they're about the same size.

      The boxes are great because they are made individually (relatively easy) and then attached to the plywood wall. They can be moved without much trouble too.

    2. It's always a treat to see other studios... and yours is so neat! Congratulations on the article. Love your 'chooks' (that's Oz for chickens).

  2. Have you spotted any paparazzi hanging out near the Girls yet? :)

  3. It their dreams! Especially Buffy, who is a real show off.

  4. and much deserved fame it is! They make great centerfolds. Congrats Jane. cc

  5. congrats again (to all three of you) on the article! so wish i was close enough to join one of your workshops...i am desperate to learn encaustics. have a great weekend!!

  6. Buffy and Sylvie would like for you to stop calling them "the Girls" now. "Princess" would be nice, or maybe "The Divas." "The Davies Divas" has a nice ring to it. And I'm imagining a "herd" of cats and chickens. I'd like to be a part of that!

    Congratulations! I'm off to score a copy today. Maybe I'll send it for autographs. (BTW, you can sign it too, Jane.)

  7. Congrats!! I'll be sure to pick up this issue-I could use some tips on better organizing my room. As for your now infamous girls-I still giggle at the video you had posted on abstract art using them for mark making :)


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