
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Water-Soluble Oil Pastels Revisited

OK, so I tried the Portfolio water-soluble oil pastels again, inspired by iHanna, who kindly commented and gave me a link to her demonstration. Check it out. She uses the oil pastels on un-primed paper, then coats it with acrylic medium when dry. I did a variation on that by brushing on a tiny bit of gesso, just here and there, on the page before playing with the oil pastels. Then, after brushing on some water, I scraped the color around with a credit card, my favorite art supply. Here is a detail of the above.
And here is another page in this ongoing sketchbook:
On another topic: I'm gearing up for my Color and Composition class, "Creative Beginnings", which is on Friday. I got my supplies together this afternoon and wrote the hand-out. Here are a few paints I'm bringing:
These Blick matte acrylic craft paints are not as bright as I'd like, so I'll be sharing my Goldens for color mixing. I use a lot of craft paints along with my Goldens in Scribble Collage. Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love this Jane, Did you add the glaze and paint over it like Hanna did?

  2. Love those pages. Wants to make me pull out my oil pastels and try working with them again.

  3. love the work you have done and thats for sharing the link about the pastelsxlynda

  4. Hi Jane,
    I love your work!
    Be careful about using anything oil based on unprimed surfaces. Anything with oil in it should have a dry base coat down of gesso before working on it as over time, the oil may eat through the paper...

    These are gorgeous!

  5. Hey, these came out great and vibrant. Now, what do you think of the Portfolios?

  6. I love the looseness and spontaneity of the marks. Exciting and fun work.


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