
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

More in My Series of Elements

Here are just a few more pieces I did with the idea of a Vocabulary of Elements.  These are all 12"x12":
I was enjoying a more spare approach.

Again, I like the space around this cluster of elements.

This one reminds me of Fog Rolling In.  So, I guess I will title it "Fog Rolling In".

I am doing a big series of studies like this in black and white on 9"x12" cheap drawing paper, but decided to try it on 12"x12" good paper.  Going this spare, in terms of both space and color, is really new for me, and I'm excited to explore it further.

I did try out this approach - creating a vocabulary of elements - at Big Fat Art Weekend, but I'm waiting for more photos to be sent by students (I get so engrossed in the art and teaching that I forget to take pix).  Here are a couple of photos of some of the work:

More pix and video of Big Fat Art coming soon. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Vocabulary of Elements

I thought I would try creating a sort of vocabulary of visual elements, and use almost arbitrary combinations of them as starting points for a series of work.  This was inspired by images I saw on Pinterest by Olivier Umbecker.  I'm not saying that he approaches his pieces this way, just that his work gave me this idea.  It is something I'm going to try out at Big Fat Art Weekend next week, see how it goes over with the group.

Here are the pieces, some tentatively finished, others in process:
painted shapes, paint scribble, graphite scribble, pattern, collage, loose line

painted shapes and scribbles, and paint outline shapes, pattern, graphite scribble, loose line

This one might be done.

I added the green cellular thing at the bottom as an element.  This one is definitely in process, or else I will keep it as a "demo" piece.  I like the new marks.

I used that sort of cellular shape thing again in this one, but in fine pen.

The second one on the video.  Still in process.

The shape in the upper left is done with plastic wrap through a stencil.  Give THAT a try!

Work in Progress

This might be finished.  I like the spare quality, all that space around the elements.

Agony and Confusion

This is the first one I did on the  video.  It's still in progress.
As I look at these all together I see some aspects I'd like to investigate further: maybe leaving more space around the elements, maybe trying to use fewer elements in each piece.  I would also like to see how this approach works on a larger scale.  These are all 12"x12".

If you are inclined to try this, I would love to hear how it goes, and if you find it a productive way to work or get jump started.
You could tack these up to your wall as a reminder.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pictures From 100 Drawings

They are paintings, really; I just like the sound of "100 Drawings on Cheap Paper", the online class that started in January and is wrapping up soon.  It is offered again beginning in September.

The focus of this class is working in quantity, working in series, which helps break through the places that make you get stuck. I'm offering a live four-day workshop on Series as Process at Pacific Northwest Art School on beautiful Whidbey Island, May 31 - June 3.  There are a few spots left in this workshop.

These pieces are all student work from various lessons in the class.  Please don't re-post them, as I offer them here anonymously.

Enjoy the eye candy.  Thanks for visiting!